The control lab package provides Industrial Automation components for use in development.
The control lab package provides Industrial Automation components for use in development.
CLComPort | Com (Serial) Port component | |
CLPacket | Packer component: Creates structured packages | |
CLUnpacket | Unpacket : Extracts channel data from structured packages | |
CLTerminal | Text terminal component | |
CLClientSocket | Client socket component | |
CLServerSocket | Server Socket component | |
CLModbusServerSerialProtocol | Implements Modbus Server(Slave) Serial Protocol - RTU and Ascii | |
CLModbusServerTCPProtocol | Implements Modbus Server(Slave) TCP/IP Protocol | |
CLModbusServerRawProtocol | Implements Modbus Server(Slave) Raw Protocol | |
CLModbusClientSerialProtocol | Implements Modbus Client(Master) Serial Protocol(RTU and Ascii) | |
CLModbusClientTCPProtocol | Implements Modbus Client(Master) TCP/IP Protocol | |
CLModbusClientRawProtocol | Implements Modbus Client(Master) Raw Protocol |
SLChangeRange | Changes the output range of the signal | |
SLDetectLevels | Detects levels in the input signal | |
SLPair | Pairs multiple data buffers together | |
SLMakeStructure | Combines elements into a strucrure | |
SLSplitStructure | Splits a structure into multiple elements |
SLGenericRealValue | User defined filter for Real values | |
SLGenericReal | User defined filter for Real data | |
SLGenericFilter | User defined filter for Binary data | |
SLGenericRealMatrix | User defined generator for Real matrix data |
SLGenericReal | User defined filter for Real data | |
SLGenericFilter | User defined filter for Binary data | |
SLGenericRealMatrix | User defined generator for Real matrix data | |
TLGenericTextFilter | User defined filter for Text data | |
TLGenericFilter | User defined timing filter |
SLGenericGen | User defined generator for Binary data | |
SLGenericRealGen | User defined generator for Real data |
CLModbusDevice | Implements a Modbus Device(Slave) | |
CLModbusRemoteDeviceAccess | Modbus Remote Device Access(Master) component | |
CLPidController | Implements PID Controller | |
CLRelayController | Implements Relay Controller | |
CLOPCRemoteServer | OPC Server access component |
OpenWireStudio | Loads, executes, and exchanges data with OpenWire Studio projects |
SLGenericRealValue | User defined filter for Real values | |
SLGenericReal | User defined filter for Real data | |
SLGenericFilter | User defined filter for Binary data | |
SLGenericRealMatrix | User defined generator for Real matrix data |
SLGenericRealValueGen | User defined generator for Real values | |
SLGenericGen | User defined generator for Binary data | |
SLGenericRealGen | User defined generator for Real data |
TLWatchDogTimer | Implements a Watch Dog Timer. | |
TLMainThredEvent | Allows other threads to generate main thread notifications. | |
TLClockGen | Provides clock for other components. | |
TLThreadEvent | Use this component to execute code in a separated thread | |
TLStopWatch | Use this component to implement a Stop Watch | |
TLFrequencyMeter | Use this component to implement a Frequency meter | |
TLCounter | Use this component to implement a Counter |
SLAverageValue | Use this component to average the input values |
First Release
ControlLab |
ControlLab is free for non commercial purposes. This means that you can use it for personal pleasure, hobby, or evaluation purposes. If you are student you can also use it for free for your educational needs including school projects. If you are a tutor at present you also can use it for free for your classes. However in the near future a low cost tutor license will be available, and you will have to purchase it. Your students however will not need license to use the product at class.
NEW RELEASE: Updated RAD Studio/Delphi 12.0.0 Athens version of all the libraries has been released!
NEW RELEASE: Updated RAD Studio/Delphi 12.0.0 Athens version of all the libraries has been released!
NEW RELEASE: Updated RAD Studio/Delphi 12.0.0 Athens version of all the libraries has been released!
NEW RELEASE: RAD Studio/Delphi 12.0.0 Athens version of all the libraries has been released!
NEW RELEASE: Updated RAD Studio/Delphi 10.4 Sydney version of all the libraries has been released!
NEW RELEASE: Updated RAD Studio/Delphi 10.3 Rio version of all the libraries has been released!
NEW RELEASE: Updated RAD Studio/Delphi 11.0 Alexandria version of all the libraries has been released!
NEW RELEASE: Updated RAD Studio/Delphi 10.4.2 Sydney version of all the libraries has been released!
NEW RELEASE: Updated RAD Studio/Delphi 11.0.0 Alexandria version of all the libraries has been released!
NEW RELEASE: RAD Studio/Delphi 11.0 Alexandria version of all the libraries has been released!
NEW RELEASE: RAD Studio/Delphi 10.4.2 Sydney version of all the libraries has been released!