Unit VLDVDPlayer
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Package: VideoLabPkg
Contents |
Contains the code for the TVLDVDPlayer component.
This unit contains the code for the TVLDVDPlayer component.
TVLDVDPlayer - Plays DVDs.
- TVLDVDBookmark - DVD position bookmark class.
- TVLDVDBasicItem - Basic DVD item class.
- TVLDVDBasicListItem - Basic DVD list item class.
- TVLDVDButton - Menu button class.
- TVLDVDBasicList - Basic list of DVD items class.
- TVLDVDStrings - DVD strings class.
- TVLDVDTextLanguage - DVD text language class.
- TVLDVDTextLanguages - List of DVD text languages class.
- TVLDVDText - DVD text class.
- TVLDVDButtons - Menu buttons list class.
- TVLDVDBasicDefaultItem - Basic default DVD item class.
- TVLDVDDefaultLanguage - DVD default language settings class.
- TVLDVDDefaultMenuLanguage - DVD default menu language settings class.
- TVLDVDMenuLanguages - List of menu languages class.
- TVLDVDMenu - DVD menu class.
- TVLDVDKaraokeModeSettings - DVD karaoke mode settings class.
- TVLDVDParentalLevel - DVD parental level settings class.
- TVLDVDParentalLevelCountry - DVD parental level country settings class.
- TVLDVDParentalLevelSettings - DVD parental level settings class.
- TVLDVDDefaultAudioLanguage - DVD default audio language settings class.
- TVLDVDDefaultSubPictureLanguage - DVD default subpicture language settings class.
- TVLDVDSubPictureStream - DVD subpicture class.
- TVLDVDSubPictureStreams - List of DVD subpicture streams class.
- TVLDVDBasicEnabledDefaultItem - Basic default DVD item class.
- TVLDVDSubPictureEnabled - DVD subpicture enabled settings class.
- TVLDVDSubPicture - DVD sub picture class.
- TVLDVDPreferredDisplayModeSettings - Preferred DVD display mode settings class.
- TVLDVDAngle - DVD angle parameters class.
- TVLDVDVideo - DVD video parameters class.
- TVLDVDAudioStream - DVD audio stream settings class.
- TVLDVDAudioStreams - DVD audio streams class.
- TVLDVDAudio - DVD audio parameters class.
- TVLDVDChapter - DVD chapter class.
- TVLDVDChapters - List of DVD chapters class.
- TVLDVDTitle - DVD title class.
- TVLDVDTitles - List of DVD titles class.
- TVLDVDVolume - DVD volume information class.
- TVLDVDStills - DVD stills class.
- TVLDVDVideoPreview - DVD Video Preview settings class.
- TVLDVDClosedCaptions - DVD Closed captions settings class.
- TVLDVDPlayer - Plays DVDs.
- TVLDVDTime - DVD time structure.
- TVLDVDPosition - Indicates the DVD playback location.
- TVLDVDKaraokeAttributes - Contains information about a karaoke audio stream.
- TVLDVDSubPictureAttributes - Contains information about the DVD subpicture.
- TVLDVDSubMenu - Specifies the DVD menu.
- TVLDVDParentalLevels - Identifies the generic parental levels defined in the DVD specification.
- TVLDVDAudioMode - Defines the DVD audio modes.
- TVLDVDAudioFormat - Defines the DVD's audio formats.
- TVLDVDLangExtension - Language extension enumeration.
- TVLDVDDomain - Defines the DVD domains.
- TVLDVDSide - Defines the DVD sides.
- TVLDVDSubPictureType - Defines the DVD subpicture stream types.
- TVLDVDSubPictureEncoding - Defines the DVD subpicture stream encoding.
- TVLDVDTextCharSet - Defines the DVD text character set types.
- TVLDVDTextStringType - Defines the DVD text stream types.
- TVLDVDKaraokeAssignment - Speaker configuration for an audio stream.
- TVLDVDSubPictureLangExtetnsions - Possible language extensions in a specified subpicture stream enumeration.
- TVLDVDAudioLangExtetnsion - Defines the DVD audio extensions.
- TVLDVDKaraokeModes - Karaoke modes enumeration.
- TVLDVDPreferredDisplayMode - Indicates the user's preferred window aspect ratio and conversion method.
- TVLDVDPBStopped - Enumeration value that indicates why DVD playback stopped.
- TVLDVDAvailableOption - Available DVD options enumeration.
- TVLDVDError - Specifies DVD error conditions.
- TVLDVDWarning - Specifies DVD warning conditions.
- TVLDVDSubMenus - Set of available DVD sub menus.
- TVLDVDParentalLevelSet - Set of available DVD parental level settings.
- TVLDVDKaraokeMode - Set of available DVD karaoke modes.
- TVLDVDAvailableOptions - Set of available DVD options.
- TVLDVDChangeNotify - Event type for DVD item changes notification.
- TVLDVDAvailableNotify - Set of available DVD change notisy.
- TVLDVDFloatChangeNotify - Event type for floating point DVD data.
- TVLDVDIntegerChangeNotify - Event type for integer DVD data.
- TVLDVDDomainChangeNotify - Event type for DVD domain changes notification.
- TVLDVDPlayStoppedNotify - Event type for DVD play stopped.
- TVLDVDSubPictureChangeNotify - Event type for DVD subpicture change notify.
- TVLDVDOptionsChangeNotify - Event type for DVD options change notification.
- TVLDVDErrorNotify - Event type for DVD error.
- TVLDVDWarningNotify - Event type for DVD warning.