Enum item ALSpeexCompressor.TALSpeexBandMode.alSpeexWideband

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Package: AudioLabPkg

Unit: ALSpeexCompressor

Enum: TALSpeexBandMode


For wideband, the Speex approach uses a quadrature mirror f ilter (QMF) to split the

band in two. The 16 kHz signal is thus divided into two 8 kHz signals, one representing

the low band (0-4 kHz), the other the high band (4-8 kHz). The low band is

encoded with the narrowband mode described in section 7 in such a way that the resulting

“embedded narrowband bit-stream” can also be decoded with the narrowband

decoder. Since the low band encoding has already been described, only the high band

encoding is described in this section.

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