Property SLNoiseStats.TSLNoiseStats.BinMask

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Class: TSLNoiseStats




property BinMask : TSLBinMask read FBinMask write SetBinMask;

C++ Builder:

__property TSLBinMask * BinMask = { read=FBinMask, write=SetBinMask };


Array of Count integers holding the values of bins to be masked from statistic calculations.


You can mask (exclude) a bin’s value from contributing to noise statistic calculations (SNR, SINAD, etc) by adding the bin’s sequential bin number to the BinMask array (using procedure BinMask.Add). After a bin’s bin number is added to the BinMask array, for subsequent statistical calculations, that bin’s initial FFT output amplitude is set to the average of all bins. Often, users have a need to mask bins near the fundamental frequency bin or near its harmonic bins; because of this need, the OnBinMaskOpportunity property is provided. This TSLBinMaskOpportunityEvent is generated after the fundamental and harmonic bins have been located, and these locations are supplied as event parameters. The array of bins to be masked is retained across TSLBinMaskOpportunityEvents unless bins are explicitly added or the array is cleared; hence, for efficiency, client code often will not call procedure BinMask.Add() with each event handler call, but will keep track of when the mask needs to be cleared or set.

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