Method function IGDIPlus.IGPMetafile.EmfToWmfBits(HENHMETAFILE;Cardinal;PBYTE;Integer;TGPEmfToWmfBitsFlags) : Cardinal

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Class: IGPMetafile




function EmfToWmfBits( hemf : HENHMETAFILE, cbData16 : Cardinal, pData16 : PBYTE, iMapMode : Integer, var eFlags : TGPEmfToWmfBitsFlags ) : Cardinal;

C++ Builder:

unsigned int __fastcall EmfToWmfBits( HENHMETAFILE hemf, unsigned int cbData16, PBYTE pData16, int iMapMode, TGPEmfToWmfBitsFlags &eFlags );

Visual C++ (MFC):

EmfToWmfBits(  hemf,  cbData16,  pData16,  iMapMode,  &eFlags );


Converts an enhanced-format metafile to a Microsoft Windows Metafile Format (WMF) metafile and stores the converted records in a specified buffer.


Call this method to convert an enhanced-format metafile to a Microsoft Windows Metafile Format (WMF) metafile and stores the converted records in a specified buffer. Remarks When you call EmfToWmfBits to determine the size of the required buffer, you must pass the same value for eFlags that you pass later when you call EmfToWmfBits to perform the conversion. Otherwise, the size returned by the first call to EmfToWmfBits will be incorrect.

This method cannot convert metafiles of type EmfTypeEmfPlusOnly. If you use this method to convert a metafile of type EmfTypeEmfPlusDual, the Enhanced Metafile (EMF) records in that metafile are converted, but the EMF+ records are not converted.

This method converts an enhanced metafile into a WMF metafile so that its picture can be displayed in an application that recognizes the older format.

The EmfToWmfBits method does not invalidate the enhanced metafile handle. Call the DeleteEnhMetaFile function to release the handle when it is no longer needed.

To create a scalable WMF metafile, specify MM_ANISOTROPIC as the iMapMode parameter.

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