Method function IGDIPlus.IGPGraphicsPathIterator.CopyData(PGPPointF;PBYTE;Integer;Integer) : Integer

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Class: IGPGraphicsPathIterator




function CopyData( points : PGPPointF, types : PBYTE, startIndex : Integer, endIndex : Integer ) : Integer;

C++ Builder:

int __fastcall CopyData( PGPPointF points, PBYTE types, int startIndex, int endIndex );

Visual C++ (MFC):

CopyData(  points,  types,  startIndex,  endIndex );


Copies a subset of the path's data points to a PointF array and copies a subset of the path's point types to a BYTE array.


Call this method to copy a subset of the path's data points to a PointF array and copy a subset of the path's point types to a BYTE array.

Remarks This TGPGraphicsPathIterator object is associated with a TGPGraphicsPath object. That TGPGraphicsPath object has an array of points and an array of types. Each element in the array of types is a byte that specifies the point type and a set of flags for the corresponding element in the array of points. Possible point types and flags are listed in the PathPointType enumeration.

You can call the TGPGraphicsPathIterator.GetCount method to determine the number of data points in the path.

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