Enum VLDVDPlayer.TVLDVDSubPictureLangExtetnsions

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Package: VideoLabPkg

Unit: VLDVDPlayer




type TVLDVDSubPictureLangExtetnsions = (sleNotSpecified, sleCaption_Normal, sleCaption_Big, sleCaption_Children, sleCC_Normal, sleCC_Big, sleCC_Children, sleForced, sleDirectorComments_Normal, sleDirectorComments_Big, sleDirectorComments_Children);

C++ Builder:

enum TVLDVDSubPictureLangExtetnsions {sleNotSpecified, sleCaption_Normal, sleCaption_Big, sleCaption_Children, sleCC_Normal, sleCC_Big, sleCC_Children, sleForced, sleDirectorComments_Normal, sleDirectorComments_Big, sleDirectorComments_Children};

Visual C++ (MFC):

enum CTVLDVDSubPictureLangExtetnsions {sleNotSpecified, sleCaption_Normal, sleCaption_Big, sleCaption_Children, sleCC_Normal, sleCC_Big, sleCC_Children, sleForced, sleDirectorComments_Normal, sleDirectorComments_Big, sleDirectorComments_Children};


Possible language extensions in a specified subpicture stream enumeration.


Defines enumeration for the possible language extensions in a specified subpicture stream.


sleNotSpecified Indicates that no language extensions are present.
sleCaption_Normal Indicates that the specified stream contains normal captions.
sleCaption_Big Indicates that the specified stream contains big captions.
sleCaption_Children Indicates that the specified stream contains captions for children.
sleCC_Normal Indicates that the specified stream contains normal closed captions.
sleCC_Big Indicates that the specified stream contains big closed captions.
sleCC_Children Indicates that the specified stream contains closed captions for children.
sleForced Indicates that the subpicture stream is forcedly activated, meaning that the application will not be able to turn it off.
sleDirectorComments_Normal Indicates that the specified stream contains normal-sized director's comments.
sleDirectorComments_Big Indicates that the specified stream contains large-sized director's comments.
sleDirectorComments_Children Indicates that the specified stream contains director's comments for children.
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