Enum ALVSTHost.TALVSTHostSupportsFlag

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Package: AudioLabPkg

Unit: ALVSTHost




type TALVSTHostSupportsFlag = (vsthsSendVstEvents, vsthsSendVstMidiEvent, vsthsSendVstTimeInfo, vsthsReceiveVstEvents, vsthsReceiveVstMidiEvent, vsthsReceiveVstTimeInfo, vsthsReportConnectionChanges, vsthsAcceptIOChanges, vsthsSizeWindow, vsthsAsyncProcessing, vsthsOffline, vsthsSupplyIdle, vsthsSupportShell, vsthsOpenFileSelector, vsthsCloseFileSelector, vsthsEditFile, vsthsShellCategory, vsthsStartStopProcess);

C++ Builder:

enum TALVSTHostSupportsFlag {vsthsSendVstEvents, vsthsSendVstMidiEvent, vsthsSendVstTimeInfo, vsthsReceiveVstEvents, vsthsReceiveVstMidiEvent, vsthsReceiveVstTimeInfo, vsthsReportConnectionChanges, vsthsAcceptIOChanges, vsthsSizeWindow, vsthsAsyncProcessing, vsthsOffline, vsthsSupplyIdle, vsthsSupportShell, vsthsOpenFileSelector, vsthsCloseFileSelector, vsthsEditFile, vsthsShellCategory, vsthsStartStopProcess};

Visual C++ (MFC):

enum CTALVSTHostSupportsFlag {vsthsSendVstEvents, vsthsSendVstMidiEvent, vsthsSendVstTimeInfo, vsthsReceiveVstEvents, vsthsReceiveVstMidiEvent, vsthsReceiveVstTimeInfo, vsthsReportConnectionChanges, vsthsAcceptIOChanges, vsthsSizeWindow, vsthsAsyncProcessing, vsthsOffline, vsthsSupplyIdle, vsthsSupportShell, vsthsOpenFileSelector, vsthsCloseFileSelector, vsthsEditFile, vsthsShellCategory, vsthsStartStopProcess};


VST host capabilities enumeration.


Defines the types of VST host capabilities enumeration.


vsthsSendVstEvents Host supports send of Vst events to plug-in.
vsthsSendVstMidiEvent Host supports send of MIDI events to plug-in.
vsthsSendVstTimeInfo Host supports send of VstTimeInfo to plug-in.
vsthsReceiveVstEvents Host can receive Vst events from plug-in.
vsthsReceiveVstMidiEvent Host can receive MIDI events from plug-in.
vsthsReceiveVstTimeInfo Host can receive Time info from Host
vsthsReportConnectionChanges Host will indicates the plug-in when something change in plug-in´s routing/connections with suspend/resume/setSpeakerArrangement.
vsthsAcceptIOChanges Host supports ioChanged ().
vsthsSizeWindow used by VSTGUI
vsthsAsyncProcessing Host supports plug-ins whose processing is actually carried out on external resources (dsp).
vsthsOffline Host supports offline feature.
vsthsSupplyIdle Host can supply Idle.
vsthsSupportShell Host supports shell handling.
vsthsOpenFileSelector Host supports function openFileSelector ().
vsthsCloseFileSelector Host supports function closeFileSelector ().
vsthsEditFile Host supports editor for audio.
vsthsShellCategory 'shell' handling via uniqueID. If supported by the Host and the Plug-in has the category kPlugCategShell
vsthsStartStopProcess Host supports functions startProcess () and stopProcess ().
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