Method function IGDIPlus.IGPImageAttributes.ClearRemapTable(TGPColorAdjustType) : TGPImageAttributes

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Class: IGPImageAttributes




function ClearRemapTable( type_ : TGPColorAdjustType ) : TGPImageAttributes;

C++ Builder:

TGPImageAttributes __fastcall ClearRemapTable( TGPColorAdjustType type_ );

Visual C++ (MFC):

ClearRemapTable(  type_ );


Clears the color-remap table for a specified category.


Call this method to clear the color-remap table for a specified category. Remarks An TGPImageAttributes object maintains color and grayscale settings for five adjustment categories: default, bitmap, brush, pen, and text. For example, you can specify a remap table for the default category, a different remap table for the bitmap category, and still a different remap table for the pen category.

The default color- and grayscale-adjustment settings apply to all categories that don't have adjustment settings of their own. For example, if you never specify any adjustment settings for the pen category, then the default settings apply to the pen category.

As soon as you specify a color- or grayscale-adjustment setting for a certain category, the default adjustment settings no longer apply to that category. For example, suppose you specify a remap table and a gamma value for the default category. If you set the remap table for the pen category by calling SetRemapTable, then the default remap table will not apply to pens. If you later clear the pen remap table by calling ClearRemapTable, the pen category will not revert to the default remap table; rather, the pen category will have no remap table. Similarly, the pen category will not revert to the default gamma value; rather, the pen category will have no gamma value.

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