Enum ALSystemMixer.TALSystemMixerLineType

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Package: AudioLabPkg

Unit: ALSystemMixer




type TALSystemMixerLineType = (mltDstDigital, mltDstHeadphones, mltDstLineOut, mltDstMonitor, mltDstSpeakers, mltDstTelephone, mltDstUndefined, mltDstVoiceIn, mltDstWaveIn, mltSrcAnalog, mltSrcAuxiliary, mltSrcCompactDisc, mltSrcDigital, mltSrcLine, mltSrcMicrophone, mltSrcPCSpeaker, mltSrcSynthesizer, mltSrcTelephone, mltSrcUndefined, mltSrcWaveOut);

C++ Builder:

enum TALSystemMixerLineType {mltDstDigital, mltDstHeadphones, mltDstLineOut, mltDstMonitor, mltDstSpeakers, mltDstTelephone, mltDstUndefined, mltDstVoiceIn, mltDstWaveIn, mltSrcAnalog, mltSrcAuxiliary, mltSrcCompactDisc, mltSrcDigital, mltSrcLine, mltSrcMicrophone, mltSrcPCSpeaker, mltSrcSynthesizer, mltSrcTelephone, mltSrcUndefined, mltSrcWaveOut};

Visual C++ (MFC):

enum CTALSystemMixerLineType {mltDstDigital, mltDstHeadphones, mltDstLineOut, mltDstMonitor, mltDstSpeakers, mltDstTelephone, mltDstUndefined, mltDstVoiceIn, mltDstWaveIn, mltSrcAnalog, mltSrcAuxiliary, mltSrcCompactDisc, mltSrcDigital, mltSrcLine, mltSrcMicrophone, mltSrcPCSpeaker, mltSrcSynthesizer, mltSrcTelephone, mltSrcUndefined, mltSrcWaveOut};


Types of System Mixer Lines enumeration.


Defines the types of System Mixer Lines enumeration.


mltDstDigital Digital destination line.
mltDstHeadphones Adjustable destination line.
mltDstLineOut Line Level destination line.
mltDstMonitor Monitor destination line.
mltDstSpeakers Speakers destination line.
mltDstTelephone Telephone destination line.
mltDstUndefined Unspecified destination line.
mltDstVoiceIn Voice input recording destination line.
mltDstWaveIn Waveform-audio input recording destination line.
mltSrcAnalog Analog source line.
mltSrcAuxiliary Auxiliary source line.
mltSrcCompactDisc Internal audio CD source line.
mltSrcDigital Digital source line.
mltSrcLine Auxiliary source line.
mltSrcMicrophone Microphone source line.
mltSrcPCSpeaker Speaker source line.
mltSrcSynthesizer Internal synthesizer source line.
mltSrcTelephone Telephone source line.
mltSrcUndefined Unspecified source line.
mltSrcWaveOut Waveform-audio source line.
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